
After many years as a tenured professor of art history, Susan Noyes Platt is currently an independent art historian and freelance art critic and curator, based in Seattle,Washington.

Her first book, Modernism in the 1920s (UMI Research Press, 1985)  examined the critical discourse on modern art in the New York art and academic press in the 1920s before the history of modern art was codified.


Art and Politics in the 1930s, Modernism, Marxism, Americanism (Midmarch Arts Press, 1999) looks at the interconnections of art and politics during the Depression years with a focus on criticism by Elizabeth McCausland, Anita Brenner, Charmion Von Wiegand, Alfred Barr and finally, the emergence of Clement Greenberg in 1939.


Art and Politics Now Cultural Activism in a Time of Crisis (Midmarch Arts Press2011)  begins with the 1999 anti WTO demonstrations in Seattle and concludes with reference to the BP Gulf oil spill in the spring of 2010. Topics include opposition to war, terrorism, racism, borders, and the violation of the earth.


Around the World in Twenty-Five Years. Published!


Spanning from central China to the Southern tip of Latin America the artists discussed here address crucial issues of war, feminism, climate, detention, migration, and, above all, human rights. They create room size installations with multi media projections as well as traditional paintings and sculptures. An invaluable resource for artists, art historians and critics, as well as a textbook for the student; it will also appeal to the general public through its global perspective. The purpose of the book is to suggest our interconnectedness through the introduction of artists and images spanning the globe.


Online special price $25.00.



Collected Writings Volume 2:

Setting Our Hearts on Fire, Essays on Artists from 1982 to the Present: Addressing Inequities and Inspiring a Future

These essays ranges from world renowned artists like Anthony Caro, Martha Rosler, Ann Hamilton, and Jacob Lawrence to young artists just beginning their careers. They are African American, Latinx, Asian, Native and White artists working in a wide range of media including installations, paintings, sculpture, and unclassifiable mixed media. From intimate altars to public installations, they address current crisis and historical inequities, spiritual truths and political realities. Taken together they speak to the ability of artists to make visible that which is so often left invisible. They expand our understanding through poetry and humor, they bring us together and give us hope. They demonstrate that creativity is our means of survival on our troubled earth.



Order from your local bookstores! More information soon

For more information and to purchase a copy of the book, you can do it here  http://www.artandpoliticsnow.com

You can purchase books written by Dr. Georgia S. McDade from http://www.georgiasmcdade.org/books Thank you to Wazhma Samizay from Retail Therapy for generously providing an excellent space for the presentation http://www.ineedretailtherapy.com Filming courtesy Scott Story, Bioluminous Commercial Art http://www.bioluminous.com Music: Piano Moment by Benjamin Tissot courtesy http://Bensound.com


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Collected Writings Volume 1:

Breaking Ground: Art Modernisms 1920 – 1950 overturns the long-codified history of modernist criticism by demonstrating its roots, expansion and transformations as well as its final ossification.

Print: ISBN 978-1-7345043-0-9 / $18.99 ebook: 978-1-7345043-1-6 / $7.99 Trade paperback, 212pgs, 6×9
Breaking Ground is available to purchase from this website, your local bookstore, and online via Barnesandnoble.com, and other sites.
Retailers /Institutions: available to order from Ingram.