Radical Printmaking in the Bay Area
The Great Tortialla Conspiracy. Prints on Tortillas. Here they are cooking at the opening. And you can see they are anti war tortillas
Christina Empedocles made this amazing tree out of birds. The detail is below

Enrico Chagoya wove this rug.
THe Electric Works, Collaboration: anti war slot machine
Victor Cartagena did these commemorative tea bags for the disappeared of El Salvador.

This is an installation by Victor Cartagena about The disappeared in El Salvador. He is using photographs that he found in a passport photo shop that were never picked up. They are not necessarily the same people who were disappeared by the military regime, they evoke the disappearance of individuals.
This stunning and provocative exhibition Prints Byte is at SOmARts Cultural Center in San Francisco. It is all the imaginative ways of making a print, these are only a few works in the show, and they are all anti war. More to come
This entry was posted on February 26, 2010 and is filed under El Salvador disappeared, Print Bytes, Victor Cartagena.