Martin Luther King Day 2019


Martin Luther King said it all

“A Nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military deense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.”


As our government shutdown was going  on and on, and ordinary  dedicated Federal employees Americans were standing in line at food banks, the outpouring of love at the MLK March was deeply inspiring.


Before the march I went to a workshop on understanding Hate Groups which had some amazing statistics on reporting and non reporting of hate crimes. This is how it was described.

The Truth About Hate Groups and Hate Crimes.

It’s time to take affirmative action against hate. This workshop examines how white supremacists and neo-Nazi groups proliferate. Bias crimes go unreported. Mainstream media cover only the most violent offenses. FBI hate crime statistics are inaccurate. The result: communities get a false sense of security. In this workshop you’ll learn about how malicious harassment cases are – and aren’t – reported. Participants will learn how radical right organizations recruit and retain members, why defectors abandon the movement, and what their stories tell us about stopping hate. The session will end with individual action plans to “stop hate in your own community.”


Presenter: Former civil rights reporter Lonnie Lusardo is a cultural competency professional and author of From Hate to Compassion: How Seven Former White Supremacists Transformed Their Lives, due for publication in 2019.


Then the March came with its powerful multiracial, multi ages message of love and resistance.