Latinx Performance Art, Men in Dance, and Indigenous People’s Day Celebration
Dhyana Garcia’s pre show Butoh event outside King Street Station
Tatiana Garmendia (IMG is movie) La Boveda: My Mother’s Kitchen IMG_3555Dhyana Garcia Victoria@ King Street Station. THis was a long piece and she constantly metamorphosed.
Xavier Lopex and Katherine Adamenko
Soft Cyborg meets the Beauty Borg
crazy costumes
Katherine Adamenko had a second piece called Shocked. I couldn’t photograph it, basically it was about having a shock treatment. She did a brilliant job of enacting that experience, but it was too much for me.
Sonia Aguilar Mourning Pomegrantes A Veiled symphony
If you look closely you will see she has arrows in her body. This piece ranged from lyrical to agonized.
Santiago Vega performing on colonization
Last Friday, a type of performance/workshop with
Men in Dance, five choreographers. This was right before they started. Each one created a dramatic contrast of emotions. The man on the far right in the white shirt is a friend of mine, Bryon Carrr
Next to him is CHris Bell from New York, then in the background with long hair is Jet DogDog,(Long Branch California), Will Jessup and Bnjamin Defaria ( Vancouver BC) and Jameel Hendricks (Philadelphia) . the woman standing on the right was one of the three panelists who offered feedback on the performance.
Next was Indigenous People’s Day a rally and march down
fifth avenue, celebrating and honoring elders.
There were tribes from all over, from Alaska to Mexico and many parts of the US. Where it says img with a number is a link to a movie.
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This entry was posted on October 14, 2023 and is filed under Uncategorized.