Artists Protest Immigration Policy: A Brief History


Deborah Faye Lawrence Game of the Occupied States





Artists Protest Immigration Policies : A Brief History powerpoint

Selected Facts on Immigration History from powerpoint “Artists Protest Immigration Policies” presented by Susan Noyes Platt, Ph.D.
John Jay School of Criminal Justice, April 11, 2018

For the complete slide show with art work see link above


1875 Page Law and 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act
First Federal Regulations on Immigration

Tool to define “American” began exclusions by race, gender, and class

“Legalized restriction, exclusion and deportation of immigrants considered to be threats to the US for first time. “Established  inspection, documentation

Regulation in hands of immigration officials, not the courts

Ellis Island Near New York City 1892 – 1954 mainly processing immigration

8 million immigrants passed through: one third of current US population traces their ancestry to Ellis Island


1924 immigration restrictions began by quota

to restrict Southern and Eastern Europeans

Banned Arabs, Asians, Africans


Angel Island Immigration Station
opened in  1910  closed in 1940
Angel Island  processed mainly Chinese,
but also POWs and those being deported


1882 laws and 1924 allowed only Chinese merchants with an affidavit from a white man saying they had never done manual labor. 90 percent of Chinese immigrants had false identities

Led to “paper marriages” “paper children” “paper husbands”


World War II Executive Order 9066

Issued by President Franklin Roosevelt on February 19, 1942, this order authorized the evacuation of all persons deemed a threat to national security from the West Coast to relocation centers further inland. It set in motion the forced removal and imprisonment of all people of Japanese ancestry (citizens and non-citizens alike) living on or near the West Coast.
Hours after Dec 7 bombing of Pearl Harbor, FBI rounded up Japanese community leaders and froze their assets


Total internments in California, Washington, Oregon   117,000 people including 17,000 children under 10, as well as several thousand elderly and handicapped. 70,000 were citizens


1965 Immigration Act applied quotas to Latin America for the first time leading to undocumented migration of workers from the South

USA Patriot Act 2001
 “Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism.” permitted long term detention of non citizens without a hearing



Book list Immigration

A Few Books on Immigration and Migration: A Selected List by Susan Noyes Platt


Erika Lee and Judy Yung, Angel Island Immigrant Gateway to America, Oxford University Press 2005

New York Historical Society, Chinese American, Exclusion/Inclusion, Scala 2014

Anzaldua, Gloria, Borderlands, La Frontera, Aunt Lute Books, 1987

Juan Gonzalez, Harvest of Empire, A History of Latinos in America, Penguin Books, 2001,2011


Contemporary Conditions

David Bacon Illegal People, Beacon Press, 2008

The Children of NAFTA, Labor Wars on the US Mexico Border, University of California, 2004

The Right to Stay Home, How US Labor Policy Drives Mexican Migration, University of California, 2014

In the Fields of the North , University of California, 2017


Peg Brown A Land of Hard Knocks, Peer Publishing, 2014

Roberto G. Gonzales Lives in Limbo Undocumented and Coming of Age in America, University of California Press, 2016,

Kari Lydersen Out of the Sea and Into the Fire, Latin American -U.S. Immigration in the Global Age, Common Courage Press, 2005

Valerie Luiselli Tell Me How it Ends, An Essay in Forty Questions, Coffee House Press, 2017

Sonia Nazario Enrique’s Journey, Random House, 2014

Margaret Regan Detained and Deported, Beacon Press, 2015

Luis H. Zayas Forgotten Citizens Oxford University Press, 2015



Raúl Sánchez All our Brown-Skinned Angels, Moon Path Press, 2013

John Martinez, Mi Sol, privately printed, 2016 ( in Spanish)

Ramón Ledesma Migrant Sun, Floricanto Press, 2014

Ramón Ledesma Migrant Earth, Migrant Sun Press, 2013

Lorna Dee Cervantes, Sueño, Wings Press, 2013



Johns, Barbara, The Hope of Another Spring  Takuichi Fujii,Artist and Wartime Witness, University of Washington Press, 2017.

T.J. Demos, The Migrant Image, The Art and Politics of Documentary During Global Crisis, Duke University Press, 2013

Migration Now, a Portfolio, published by JustSeeds and CultureStrike, a set of prints addressing immigration. Online at


Isabelle Allende In the Midst of Winter Atria Books, 2018