Art Historian
Curriculum Vitae
Research Articles
Art and Politics Now Cultural Activism in a Time of Crisis
Art and Politics Then and Now (Denver)
Art and Politics in the 1930s
Setting Our Hearts On Fire
Breaking Ground
Around the World in Twenty-Five Years
Exposing the Invisible Art About Detention
Modernism in the 1920s
Book Projects: Collected Writings
Art Critic
Reviews of Exhibitions in US since 1982
Art Exhibitions Outside the US
Book Reviews
Immigration: Hopes Realized, Dreams Derailed
Liberty Denied: Immigration, Detention, Deportation An exhibition
Art Exhibition “Cultural Activism in a Time of Crisis”
Selma Waldman “The Pornography of Power”
“War is Trauma” exhibition
Migration Project
Fulgencio Lazo: In Celebration of Immigrant Workers
Internalized Borders at John Jay School of Criminal Justice
Artists Protest Immigration Policy: A Brief History
Essays on Immigration
Immigration: Hopes Realized, Dreams Derailed
Migration Now portfolio by Just Seeds and Culture Strike
Grassroots Protests at the Tacoma Detention Center
“Liberty Denied: Immigration, Detention, Deportation” an exhibition
Migration: Tatiana Garmendia, Cecilia Alvarez, Deborah Faye Lawrence
Tag Archives:
Tracy Rector
The Spirit of Standing Rock
Art inspired by the Standing Rock resistance is appearing everywhere and in all media
This entry was posted on February 14, 2017 and is filed under
Art and Politics Now
art criticism
Contemporary Art
Contemporary Indigenous Art
Culture and Human rights
Deborah Lawrence
Standing Rock
Asia Tale
Deborah Faye Lawrence
Erin Genia
John Feoderov
Ka’ila Farrell-Smith Mní Wičoní
Marvin Oliver
Sacred Hoop Gallery
Samuel Genia
Sara Siestreem
Standing Rock
Tracy Rector
Water is Sacred|
Winona La Duke
Yatika Starr-Fields
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